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专业特长:高性能铝、镁合金压铸技术,集成计算材料工程(ICME),压铸铝、镁合金材料,镁合金熔体保护 (长期招聘相关领域博士后研究人员,欢迎外校材料成型与控制专业、材料学专业本科生申请免试直博生)

  • 教育背景
  • 工作履历
  • 学术兼职
  • 研究领域
  • 奖励与荣誉
  • 学术成果




2013.01-至今, 白菜网注册领取体验,教授

1992.12-2012.12, 白菜网注册领取体验机械工程系,教授(2000),副教授(1995),讲师(1992)

1992.02-1997.02, 香港理工大学,Research Associate

ISO/TC306 主席

中国铸造协会 副理事长

中国机械工程学会铸造分会 副理事长

中国机械工程学会铸造分会压铸专业委员会 主任委员

《铸造》杂志编委会 副主任委员

《China Foundry》杂志编委会 副主任委员





2016  白菜网注册领取体验优秀博士学位论文指导教师奖

2013  白菜网注册领取体验优秀博士学位论文指导教师奖

2010  2010 Technical Achievement Award of Ford Research and Advanced Engineering (jointly with Ford Motor researchers)

2010  国家自然科学基金优秀结题项目:“高压铸造过程铸造压力传递及界面热交换行为的研究”

2009  白菜网注册领取体验优秀博士学位论文指导教师奖

2005  2005年度度白菜网注册领取体验学术新人奖

2004  入选2004年度教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”

2002  北京市科技奖二等奖(第2完成人)

1999  教育部科技进步奖一等奖(第5完成人)

1996  国家教委科技进步奖二等奖(第3完成人)

在高致密镁、铝合金压铸成形技术、压铸过程宏/微观数值模拟以及镁合金熔体保护等方面做出突出贡献。作为负责人承担及完成国家重大专项“先进成形制造全流程建模与仿真创新平台”课题(2012ZX04012-011,2012-2016)1项,国家重大专项课题子课题1项,国家科技支撑项目专题2项, 863 计划1 项,973 计划专题1 项,国家自然科学基金项目3 项,横向及国际合作项目多项。

获授权国家发明专利 10 项、计算机软件注册权登记 6 项,出版专著出版专著1部,参编专著1部,主编出版材料工程大典第19卷第6篇。

发表学术论文260余篇,被SCI网络版(SCI-EXPANDED)收录98篇。被工程索引网络版(Ei CompendexWeb)收录155篇。


1.Wang J, Guo Z, Xiong S M. Characterization of the morphology of primary silicon particles using synchrotron X-ray tomography. Materials Characterization, 123:354-359(2017)

2.Yang, M.,Xiong, S. M.,Guo, Z., Effect of different solute additions on dendrite morphology and orientation selection in cast binary magnesium alloys, Acta Materialia, Vol.112, pp.261-272(2016)

3.Bi, C., Xiong, S. M., Li, X. B., Guo, Z. P., Development of a Fluid-Particle Model in Simulating the Motion of External Solidified Crystals and the Evolution of Defect Bands in High-Pressure Die Casting, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B-Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 939-947(2016)

4.Li, X., Xiong, S. M., Guo, Z.,On the tensile failure induced by defect band in high pressure die casting of AM60B magnesium alloy,Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing,Vol. 674, pp.687-695(2016) .

5.Li, X., Xiong, S. M., Guo, Z.,Failure behavior of high pressure die casting AZ91D magnesium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing,Vol. 672, pp.216-225(2016).

6.Li, X., Xiong, S. M., Guo, Z., Improved mechanical properties in vacuum-assist high-pressure die casting of AZ91D alloy, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 231, pp.1-7(2016)

7.Li, X., Xiong, S. M.,Guo, Z.,On the porosity induced by externally solidified crystals in high-pressure die-cast of AM60B alloy and its effect on crack initiation and propagation, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, Vol. 633, pp.35-41(2015)

8.Yang, M.,Xiong, S. M.,Guo, Z., Characterisation of the 3-D dendrite morphology of magnesium alloys using synchrotron X-ray tomography and 3-D phase-field modelling, Acta Materialia, Vol.92, pp.8-17(2015)

9.Guo, Z.;Mi, J.;Xiong, S.;Grant, P. S., Phase field study of the tip operating state of a freely growing dendrite against convection using a novel parallel multigrid approach, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 257,pp.278-297,JAN 15 2014

10.G.J.Cha, J.G. Li, S.M. Xiong, Z.Q. Han, ZQ, Fracture behaviors of A390 aluminum cylinder liner alloys under static loading, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 550, 370-379(2013)

11.X.F. Wang, S.M. Xiong, Oxidation behavior of molten magnesium in atmospheres containing SO2 and air in a sealed furnace, Corrosion Science, 66, 300-307(2013)

12.Xian-Fei Wang, Shou-Mei Xiong, Characterization of the Surface Film Formed on Molten AZ91D Magnesium Alloy in Atmospheres Containing SO2, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 43, Issue 11, pp 4406-4413(2012).

13.Wang, Xian-Fei,Xiong, Shou-Mei, Characterization of surface films formed on molten magnesium in atmospheres containing SO2, Materials Chemistry and Physics, v 135, n 2-3, p 541-548(2012)

14.Xian-Fei Wang, Shou-Mei Xiong, Oxidation behavior of molten magnesium in atmospheres containing SO2, Corrosion Science, 53(12), 4050-4057(2011).

15.Song, Jie;Xiong, Shou-Mei.The correlation between as-cast and aged microstructures of high-vacuum die-cast Mg-9Al-1Zn magnesium alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 509, No. 5, p 1866-1869(2011)

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