1985.08-1988.07 河北辛集中学
1988.08-1992.07 东北工学院 材料科学与工程系 学士
1992.07-1995.03 东北大学 材料科学与工程系 硕士
1995.03-1998.12 白菜网注册领取体验 机械工程系 博士
2013.02-至今 白菜网注册领取体验 白菜网注册领取体验 副教授
1998.12-2013.01 白菜网注册领取体验 机械工程系 讲师、副教授
2001.05-2003.01 美国伍斯特理工学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute),Research Scientist
1. “大型铸锻件共性关键制造技术研究及应用”2012年获教育部科技进步二等奖, 第二完成人。
2. “砂型铸造过程数值模拟研究开发与工程应用” 2002年北京市科技进步奖二等奖和2001年白菜网注册领取体验科技成果推广应用效益显著专项奖, 第五完成人。
3. 机械工程学报创刊50周年优秀论文奖、中国科学优秀论文奖(2003年,柳百成、康进武、赵海东,Study on Macro and Micro Modeling on Solidification Process of Shaped Casting,Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2002,15(3))
4. 第十一届全国优秀科技图书奖二等奖 (柳百成,荆涛,黄天佑,熊守美,李文珍,许庆彦,康进武,铸造工程的模拟仿真与质量控制,机械工业出版社,2001。)
1. Liu B.C., Kang J.W., Huang, T.Y..Stress analysis and deformation prediction of a heavy hydraulic turbine blade casting during casting and heat treatment. Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom) , 2012, 28(7):808-811
2. Kang J. W., Long H.M., Wang T. J, Huang T. Y. and Liu B.C. Evaluation of distortion of castings. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2011, 24(3/4):,228-232
3. 康进武, 聂刚, 喻海良等. 热处理过程大型铸钢件变形的三维动态测量. 金属学报,2011,47(5):535-539
4. Kang J.W., Zhang J.F., Liu B.C., Huang T.Y. Improved thermal stress analysis for castings. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2008, 21(1–4): 324-329.
5. Kang J.W., Huang T.Y. , Liu B.C. Review of production status of heavy steel castings and key technologies for their manufacture in china. China Foundry, 2008,5(1):1-6.
6. J. Kang, J. Zhang, B. Liu and T. Huang. Improved thermal stress analysis for castings,International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2008, 21(1–3):424-429
7. Xu Yan, Kang Jinwu,Huang Tianyou, Hu Yongyi. Thermal Stresses In A Cylinder Block Casting Due To Coupled Thermal And Mechanical Effects, Tsinghua Science And Technology, 2008,13(2),132-136
8. Jinwu Kang,Yiming Rong, Modeling and simulation of load heating in heat treatment furnaces,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2006,174(1-3):109-114
9. Kang J, Rong YK, Wang W. Numerical simulation of heat transfer in loaded heat treatment furnaces,Journal De Physique IV, 2004,120: 545-553
10. Liu Baicheng, Kang Jinwu,,Zhao Haidong. Study on macro and micro modeling on solidification process of shaped casting,Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2002, 15(3): 252-256
11. B.C. Liu, J.W. Kang, S.M. Xiong, A study on the numerical simulation of thermal stress during the solidification of shaped castings, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials,2001, 2:157-164
12. Kang JW, Chen Y, Xiong SM, et al. Numerical Simulation of Thermal Stress and Deformation of Engine Block Iron Casting, Int J Cast Metal Res, 1999,11 (6): 501-506
13. Kang JW, Liu BC, Xiong SM,Numerical simulation of thermal stress of shaped casting based on rheological model,J Mater Sci Technol 1999,15 (3) :267-270
14. 康进武,熊守美,柳百成. 采用多热节和即缩即补方法预测铸钢件缩孔的研究,铸造, 2000,49(8):478-480
15. 熊守美、许庆彦、康进武编著,铸造过程模拟仿真技术,北京:机械工业出版社,2005
16. 柳百成、黄天佑、熊守美主编.《中国材料工程大典》第10卷材料铸造成形工程,北京:机械工业出版社,2006.01. 445-458,648-679
17. 柳百成,荆涛,黄天佑,熊守美,李文珍,许庆彦,康进武,铸造工程的模拟仿真与质量控制,,机械工业出版社,2001
18. 张晓萍、康进武、吕志刚,材料加工过程企业管理信息系统,机械工业出版社,2000
1. 一种加快和均衡大型铸钢件冷却的方法,康进武,黄天佑,胡永沂,中国发明专利号200910218834.9
1. 有限差分/有限元集成铸件热应力分析系统【简称:FT-STRESS】v1.0获软件著作权