1999-至今 白菜网注册领取体验博士后,研究员
2005.8-2006.8 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校化学系作Post doc;新奥尔良大学先进材料研究所作Visiting Scholar
I have published more than fifty journal papers and more than ten conference presentations/papers. And the times of cited by SCI is over 350. the major pubulication are list as follow:
1. Q. Cai, Z. S. Luo, W. Q. Pang, Y. W. Fan, X. H. Chen, and F. Z. Cui; Dilute solution routes to various controllable morphologies of MCM-41 silica with basic medium, Chemistry of Materials. 2001, 13, 258-263. (SCI cited times 90). (ISI highly cited paper)
2. Q. Cai, W. Y. Lin, F. S. Xiao, W. Q. Pang, X. H. Chen, B. S. Zou,. The preparation of highly ordered MCM-41 with extremely low surfactant concentration, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 32(1-2). 1999,1-15.(SCI cited times 70)
3. J. Li, Q. Cai, Q. Y. Sun, H. D. Li, X. H. Chen, X. P. Wang, Y. J. Yan, E. G. Vrieling, Crystal Growth & Design, 2008 , 8(8). 2652-2659.
4. W. Chen,; X. D. Sun, Q. Cai, D. Weng, H. D. Li, Facile Synthesis of Thick Ordered Mesoporous TiO2 Film for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Use, Electrochemical Communication. (2007).
5. W. Y. Lin, Q. Cai, W. Q. Pang, Y. Yue. Preparation of aluminosilicate MCM-41 in desirable forms via a novel co-assemble route, Chemical Communications. (22), 1998, 2473-2474.
6. Q. Cai, Y. Geng, X. Zhao, K. Cui, Q. Y. Sun, X. H. Chen, Q. L. Feng, H. D. L i, Engel G. Vrieling, Morphological classification of mesoporous silicas synthesized in a binary water-ether solvent system, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 108(1-3),(2008)123-135.
7. F. Cui, Y. Wang, Q. Cai, W. Zhang, Conformation Change of Collagen During the Initial Stage in Biomineralization, Journal Material Chemistry. 18(32) 2008 3835-3840.
8. K. Cui, Q. Cai, X. H. Chen, Q. L. Feng, H. D. Li. Morphologies of vesicular silica templated by cationic surfactant with the auxiliary of diethyl ether, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 68 (1-3), (2004) 61-64
9. W. Y. Lin, Q. Cai, W. Q. Pang, Y. Yue, B. S. Zou, New mineralization agents for synthesis of MCM-41 materials, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 33(1-3), 1999,187-196.
10. W. Chen, Y. Geng, X. D. Sun, Q. Cai, H. D. Li and D. Weng, Achievement of thick mesoporous TiO2 crystalline films by one-step dip-coating approach, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2007, 111(1-3)219